The way users buy has changed over time. We have reached the point where you can place orders from home through a platform that centralizes the services of companies in the same sector, simply by typing a few words in a search engine . But the online stores that are on the second page of these after doing a search have…
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APPS to make your Instagram Stories stand out
The Instagram Stories here to stay. Every time with more filters (that the same users of the social network can create), typologies, infinite colors, gifts and good music. Instagram Stories is the king of social media engagement . The importance of your stories on instagram Contact your audience and make them stay showing them stories that may interest them. The good thing…
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Resources to improve an ecommerce and its conversion
When a user comes to your online store, it is because they have an immediate, short or medium-term need to buy any of the products in ecommerce . Only a small percentage of the visits that the online store receives usually translates into sales. Why does this happen? Perhaps due to the inexistence or inadequate management of resources to improve an…
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The importance of Google My Business for your Local SEO positioning
Not being familiar with the term Google My Business represents a cardinal sin for those businesses that aim to increase their presence in the online ecosystem. And don't worry if you don't know what it's about; It is never too late to find out about new tools that can help your company gain visibility on the Internet, or in this…
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